Achievement: The Only Reason to Gain Respects and Dignity

In my daily life, I have always wondered about one thing: why the rich and the educated are the most respected humankinds in the world society and not the poor and the uneducated? But now I seem to have found one simple answer to the foregoing question, amongst other more scholarly answers.
The reason that the educated and the rich are the most respected kinds of person, because they are viewed as firmly attached to their achievements. Why do I respect and view President George W. Bush as a person of dignity? Not, because of his handsomeness or wealth or other tangible human substances, but because his achievement in gaining the most votes and his achievement to be the rich in the United States of America. To be precise, who and where he is now, is not important, but only his achievements to become President George W. Bush and other achievements are the reason that I respect and view him with dignity.
Why this is important? This article is one of the answers to prepare you to reach your goal (of course, if you want to be a respectable and dignity person). This means that only when your goal is achieved, then you can be a respectable and dignity person.
“Your path toward goal-achievement is not important, but only your achievement that make I respect you and see you positively diffrantly.